Computer lingo!

Speaking with college kids in Delhi in the course of some research, I find them repeatedly using phrases like ‘copy-paste’ (for copy – like copy someone else’s mannerisms / style) and ‘Times New Roman’ (for a plain person) and ‘virus’ (for anything from a slight kink to a serious anomaly – like usme dimaag me virus hai) – and all for describing everyday ordinary situations!

Speaking of which, how many times have I wished I could just ‘Undo’ in life. Or reach out for the F2 !


  1. F2 of course – restart… I do it all the time while playing tetris (which is all the time) – and when I am beginning to lose (which one strives to be not all the time)

  2. this is straight from the mouth of babes… neighbors 3 1/2 yr old who cant read as yet tells me to try ‘rebooting’ the TV which does not work, asks for an eraser to ‘undo’ his pencil drawing, wonders how i can manage without a ‘graphic card’on my archaic comp, and can navigate the desktop because he knows all the graphic icons (but sadly not yet how to read), and wonders how i could manage to get afflicted by a viral infection –‘did i plug into a computer?’

  3. methinks that u and i are vying with eachother for the most infrequent bloggers in blogdom:)
    i also wish we had a f12 key – save as – where u save up moments and play them back

  4. haha .. research with kids and teens is so much better than
    housewives.. My 15 year old cousin told me – Let’s meet up at CCD and then we can grab a burger at Mac;s (read – Cafe Coffee Day and M’Cdonalds for the uninitited ) 🙂

  5. hey yes, Twilight Fairy…. we have met before. and you are right, everytime I am in Delhi, I find something new – usually to be amused about :)) And welcome to my blog.

  6. Oh yes, vanita, and the worst of it all is SMS language. I can not make any sense of it – 2moro? gr8? makes me feel soooo old and clueless 🙂

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