Targeting the ‘senior’ segment

From the adverblog, A cell phone for GrandPa.

The US mobile phone industry is ready to target a “new” generation of consumers: seniors. An article on the The New York Times (free reg. req.) highlights the senior population represents a great opportunity for the market to grow. It won’t be easy, since elder people have a lot of concerns around mobile technologies, but if the industry will meet their expectations, the success will be granted.

This is true. I find that in India, the “seniors” are potentially a huge segment for new products / services. I am thinking of my own parents as I write this…

Typically, they have completed their “responsibilities” in life and are looking for some peace and comfort.

They have a need
– to relax (holidays? restaurants?)
– to be connected (cellphones?)
– for entertainment (media gadgets? – my parents became the proud owners of a VCD player recently, and no child could be happier with his new toy…)
And, they also usually have the money… disposable money…

So far, the aged have only been targeted for insurance and other financial products – sure, they also have a need to be financially secure once they have stopped getting a steady income from work – but is that all ? I am sure it cannot be a pleasant thing to be constantly reminded about how old one is or how old one is going to get… all those ads about savings and insurance…

Why are marketers not thinking more about this segment as potential consumers for a variety of products? However, as the article says, the seniors also are not too comfortable with “technology” (and not just mobile technology), and marketers would do well to develop and target “simplified technology” for this segment… Right now, I cannot think of any brands / products in inda (apart from financial products) specifically targeted at this segment… can you?


  1. I think that the problem is that the media (including advertising agencies) have become blind to reality. they would rather target a product at a 17 year old with no disposable income than a 57 year old with. Myopia of this level is not funny.

  2. I think that the problem is that the media (including advertising agencies) have become blind to reality. they would rather target a product at a 17 year old with no disposable income than a 57 year old with. Myopia of this level is not funny.

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