Birthday break

I am off for a short holiday – a drive along the Konkan coast – I am turning thirty in a couple of days – and this is an attempt to forget and overcome that sorrow…. Back in a few days with pictures πŸ™‚


  1. oh.. n i thot u might be able to attend a delhi bloggers meet if u are in delhi.. all the best for drowning ur sorrows BTW.. dunno how i am gonna handle mine when I turn 30.. scary!!

  2. happy birthday… i turned 30 about four months back… it was actually a happy feeling, even though i became very introspective some days before that.

  3. thanks people…. thirty IS scary…. one of those things I always assumed happened only to other people πŸ™‚

    TF, let’s meet up sometime when i am in Delhi?
    Kingsley, thnaks…. long time…. whassup
    Ramnath, introspection did not pay – so I stuck to being depressed πŸ™‚
    Herneet, thanks for the wishes – but no happies, only birthday – but the trip was great fun….

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