Monetizing RSS feeds

Are you one of those people who uses an RSS feed not just for the convenience but also to avoid any intrusive advertising – that otherwise pops up on ther websites?

Not for long, maybe…. Here are some ideas from the napsterization blog on business models for RSS

Dave Morgan here says Analysts and pundits have predicted for years RSS use could eclipse the Web or e-mail as the primary method for receiving and viewing content by some consumers. Yet many in the industry haven’t paid those predictions much heed. Given RSS’ acceleration over the past year or so, those predictions may not be wrong. And if RSS is here to stay, can RSS advertising be far behind?

I was having this discussion with my husband (who works with an internet advertising agency) on whether RSS sites should allow advertising – although I that with suspect Google Ad Sense – even as a test – now on some RSS feed sites, this is only the beginning… There is a lot of debate in the blogworld already on this…. Ok, so RSS Advertising is Here, Whether You Like it Or Not
What do you think?

And while on RSS, here is some blasphemy coming up – I admit they are convenient and allow me to keep track of many many more blogs than I would be able to visit each day – but they are just no fun – I think they are nothing more than aggregators (ok, I know this is just what they are supposed to be but what the heck, I did say I ws old-fashioned and liked reading letters)…. I like visiting websites / blogs…. I like seeing the template – any changes the owner makes to the blog – and the comments (there we go again on comments! but how many comments feeds can you subscribe to – I don’t) – and the links on the side-bar that the blog owner sees fit to add -I like to imagine that they tell me more about the blogger – along with the posts, of course!

And as I just finished posting this, I found this – Google Opens Up Beta of AdSense for Feeds.


  1. I’m kinda OK with ads like Google Adsense in my RSS aggregator. So long as I can decently read my fave blogs and their posts, without too much of flashy texts I would not mind it. In fact, when I started using Gmail sometimes the text ads would be so context relevant that I could use the info their to comment when I replied to a mail !

  2. yeah, I suppose Adsense is fairly unintrusive as far as online advertising goes… in general what I particularly hate are those ads which pop up or fill the screen totally hiding the text…. like on rediff for instance…

  3. Agreed !

    Those ones are really frustrating…and you actually can’t click or do anything because it might take you to the ad site !

    Grr !

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