May the farce be with you

Abhishek Bacchan (aka Bunty) on Indian bloggers – the world me na, do kism ke Indian bloggers hotey hain

ek – those who spew vitriol

doosre – who accuse others of spewing vitriol

Beta, be sure that tum hamesha doosre group me ho…

Author’s notes

– the ‘ek’ and ‘doosre’ usually are the same people – but I so loved Bunty aur Babli that in my zeal to use the junior Bacchan’s dialogue, I have naively shown them here as different… also, writing about two categories of people is much more interesting than writing about just one…

– there is also another kism ke loge- those who spend their time searching for this alleged spewed vitriol – but as I have committed right at the beginning of this post that there are only two kisms, I will carry on with that farce and pretend this category does not exist…

Actually, do aur kism ke Indian bloggers bhi hain… that will be my next post…

Lesson of this story : it is possible to go on endlessly segmenting the Indian blogosphere in two groups, each of which is more meaningless and insignificant in the larger scheme of things than the earlier… but then, this is my blog…

This post is dedicated to Nanopolitan, Spewer No. 1, may his tribe increase…


  1. Just now my colleague advised me to avoid “Bunty aur Babli”. Eventhough I would have still watched it (I am a huge fan of both Abhishek as well as Amitabh bachan), nice to get some reassurance.

  2. Charu the punching bag or should that be punching blog:)
    somehow this post reminds me of Sir Humphrey telling the minister “that’s a very brave decision, minister” !
    btw where is the spewing happening – i love a good old fashioned dog fight and might go and visit:)
    and ahem… if you endlessly segment blogosphere will end up in more than two groups:))

  3. I’m a vitriol spewer and I’m OK,
    I spew all night and I spew all day.
    On Wednesdays I go shopping,
    And have vitriol for tea…

    — apologies to Monty Python

  4. Patrix, now who are you calling a worm? you do realise this is tantamount to name-calling, don’t you? and I hope you take full responsibility for it… (and this is what is called ‘keeda’ – worm in Bombaiyya)

    Dilip, you made my day – haven’t stopped laughing

    Harini – tut, tut – control.

    Sunil, who has gone and got a sore throat when I wasn’t looking? what am I missing here?

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