Bharateeya Blog Mela

If you have had your fill of the latest mela hosted by Saket, then get ready for the next one here…

In keeping with the mela tradition, here is the mela banner duly copied and pasted (always blame it on tradition, no one can point a finger at you)

blog mela

And if you are not aware of the rules, then read on (actually I know all of you pretty much know the rules, but one rarely gets the chance to quote rules and act all uppity), so here goes :

All posts must either be written by Indians or must be about India

All posts must be dated between 3rd June and 9th June (including both dates). Nominations shall only be accepted upto 6:00 p.m. on 9th June

Diary type postings will be read with great interest and rude impractical suggestions made to the sender on self-improvement, but will not be posted here – unless these musings reveal the answer to some great secret hitherto unknown to mankind – i.e. cure for the common cold. Nothing else in the nature of personal posts will qualify.

Please nominate generously – see, even the Times of India carries ads for Hindustan Times now – learn your lesson and do drop in nominations from others’ blogs too – and then pray they reciprocate in kind – if you don’t, you always have till the 9th to scracth your nominations.

Nominations should only be permalinks to the posts. In the event of the blog in question not supporting permalinks, the blog-url, the post’s date and the title should be mentioned. Please do not nominate entire blogs

I will try my best to have the mela up and running by the afternoon of 10th June – I could have it on just a few minutes after 6 p.m. on the 9th but since I would like to read all the posts which have been nominated, the few extra hours…

So, roll up your sleeves and begin the nominations. Please leave your nominations here in the comments section or email me at

Hoping to see new blogs and new bloggers in this edition of the mela (here I must tell you about this notice in my building – we have been seeing the same people at every residents’ meeting, largely having the same faces … my husband and I have decided to wear masks for the next meeting – plastic surgery might just be too expensive)


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