Rainwear for your cell phones

Priceless tips on how to protect your phone during the monsoon – and textually says this is the third article in a week on waterproofing mobiles…

The article in cybernoon which textually has linked to begins with, A mobile phone is a cherished possession of most people these days. For many, they are second only to oxygen.

Now relax your muscles, take a deep breath and fill your lungs with pure cellphone…

Many prefer these covers as they can be thrown off, once the monsoon retreats.

Oh, and here I was, all set to carefully wrap up the plastic covers in er, more plastic and store them in the bottom drawer of my cupboard – with mothballs – for use next monsoon…

(On a related – not really related but what the heck – note, why does a name like cybernoon remind me of Chewing Gum Digest that Calvin subscribes to?)

I have seen doggie raincoats and thought that was the absurdest limit – will we now see cute shiny vinyl cellphone raincoats?

ugh, she is so not cool – her mobile is still wearing last season’s colours…

I have filed this post under technology – apologies, I simply do not have a category called ‘fashion’ on this blog.


  1. I use that sandwitch wrapper to protect my phone. I don’t have to protect it from rain as I’m never going to go out in rain (but then, you never know). My main concern are those menacing scratches.

  2. Ramesh, good to see you here….
    Sunil, sorry – I told you I was going to save those plastic wrappers for the next season – but this article convinced me otherwise – don’t blame me, blame cybernoon – if by next year’s monsoon, the fashion has changed, I will have to live with passe plastic, imagine a fate worse than that 🙁
    Amrit, I have an ultra dependable basic nokia – which I throw down (mostly by accident and sometimes in frustration) to the floor atleast five times a day – so now I no longer worry about scratches…

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