Most likely exam questions



I was passing by and I just had to stop at this shop window. And I just had to take out my mobile phone to take this picture.

In the course of research, I have come across students who believe that school is just a necessary evil – grin and bear it – whereas tuition is where the real action is. I have met teachers who frankly admit to not paying attention to class work because most of the students come for tuitions anyway. (As for those who don’t, well, tough luck for them). And parents who find school books a “waste” and goad their children into studying only using study guides and such exam “guess papers”.

This is the state of education in India.


  1. Oh I just remember … I too had a shelf full of such question banks..Its a different matter that I never that I never studied them..!!
    But they only supplement the main course book… never had I heard of them overtaking the originals..!!

  2. it’s the story of my education. teachers who never paid any attention to me because I refused to attend their tuitions and text books discarded in favour of 10 year question banks. it makes me wonder how bright the bright minds of India really are.

  3. Yes, tuitions exist and so do question banks, but the teachers always emphasize, “You must chew, swallow and digest the NCERT books”–my kid is in std XI, and this was said at a PTM just a couple of weeks ago.

  4. hehe…..

    i was one of the few people (amongst my peers) who didn’t bother with tutions…..and was looked at strangely. Such is life…..

  5. But this is just for the Xth standard right? People get more nervous in Xth and XIIth std exams, because of obvious career implications. Till Xth std, schools are probably more important than tuitions, since tests are taken by school officials, so outside tuition classes don’t have much influence.

  6. L, I know kids who study *only* these and not the prescribed text books…

    Shoefiend, yeah, I know what you mean 🙁
    but about the bright minds, er, I consider myself a ‘bright mind’ and I can assure you I am a very bright mind 🙂

    Lak, chew, digest and spit out (vomit?!) at the exams 🙂

    Sunil, welcome to the club. the only time I took tuitions when I began to lose my mind with Class XII math. ugh.

    gawker, in case if Class XI and XII, it only gets worse. what do kids do when teachers just refuse to teach in school because they teach the same in tuition classes and make money… scary what some poor kids have to go thru in the name of education.

  7. Its true to some extent in all societies not india alone.
    In US we have standardized testing etc which measure how well you do?
    Same can be said about SAT,PSAT gre to some extent.

  8. ggk, that may be true but in India we have a terrible exam focussed system which kind of beats the purpose of well, education…? for one, I know that when I study just *for* an exam, I tend to forget the stuff the minute the exam is over!

    lak 🙂

  9. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell my kids–if you study just for the exam, you forget it faster than you can say exam!But if you study for pleasure, it stays with you all your life–but they just can’t understand. Sigh! In fact i enjoy Discovery and Nat. Geog channels, and appreciate the way the Net has info on everything–they couldn’t care less, and don’t see what’s so exciting about it!

  10. Coaching classes and Navneet is killing kids. Recently I met an aunty who was grumbling abt not being able to enjoy diwali holidays because her 4th std kid has exams and he doesn’t study.

    I remember my jr. college days in somaiya. I was the only one among 700 HSC students who was studying on his own (without coaching classes), and was asking lecturers to ‘teach’.

    The proposal to have exams only after class5th. what happened to it?


  11. Lak, but sadly I never remember studying for pleasure. not in my school and college days in madras definitely… I hate to say this but the “system” is not geared towards it 🙂

    Priyank, 4th standard! poor kid. but kids now do have lot more pressure and from a much younger age… exams should def be done away with till kids are old enough to understand and study on their own. but these proposals come and go…

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