More foot tales. Groan.

What is it they say about trouble never coming alone? Struggling with my foot infection, all slated for the operation on the left foot, I tripped from the stairs early Monday morning and hairline cracked my right ankle. Good thing was I got a bulk discount at the Xray clinic (buy one get one free kind of thing, you know). Now, my right foot is bandaged and the left one is crying out, resentful at being ignored. The jinxed operation is now scheduled for tomorrow, Friday morning. So if you happen to see a depressed looking waddler around Vashi, that is me, not Donald Duck.

And in all that, have discovered support systems I had never thought about. My husband was away in Delhi when I had the fall – and within fifteen minutes, I had four neighbors at my place. Each with her own suggestions and opinions, of course. But they completely took over – and good thing that, since I was not thinking straight. Or in a position to think at all. Between them, they fixed an apppointment with the orthopaedic doctor, took me to his clinic, then got my foot xrayed, got my medicines and droped me back home. And through the day, I was flooded with food, yes food from all these houses, since they imagined me all hungry and depressed and unable to walk to the kitchen – all of which was true.

And in the night, a blogger friend – how facile that sounds! – a friend came over all the way from Andheri – a journey I would normally try to avoid at all costs – to play nurse and critic. Thanks, Harini. And the other friend with whom I was talking on the phone while I tripped and fell, immediately called my neighbor (her family friend) to check what happened to me. Thanks Rashmi. For the lunch too.

The moral of the story is : please take care while walking down stairs. Especially if you are talking on the phone. And limping all at the same time. And always smile at your neighbous when you meet them in the lift.

The good part is that I have been using all this spare time to catch up with my reading. Will post the review of Untouchables as soon as I can. Or maybe more armchair travels. Jaipur next?

I am going to be in hospital for a day or two after my operation. So I am going to be off blog for the next few days. However, feel free to drop in with your nice comments. Or call and cheer me up. Or send flowers. Whatever.


  1. Hi Charu
    You broke your ankle?!! That’s terrible!

    I’m hoping that you make a speedy recovery from both your broken ankle and infected foot.

  2. aaawww that sounds painful. Hope you feel better soon. Look after yourself and yes keep smiling at those neighbours šŸ™‚

  3. Hey Charu,

    Hope you feel better soon. Don’t put too much stress on your feet.

    BTW, I just completed reading Untouchables too and am going to post a review soon (or maybe might have to do it from India).

  4. hey all, thanks! am back at home but not back on feet yet! husband has converted my computer swivel chair into a wheelchair and is wheeling me all over the house šŸ™‚

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