More on Aruna

Remember Aruna? She is now working in a small computer centre in Hyderabad. The salary from her first job, Rs.5000 per month is more than anyone in her family has ever earned… Her mother Sai cannot stop beaming… This time when I met Aruna at my in-laws’ place, there is a sense of confidence about her that I have not seen before… She answered me in English when I asked about her job; I am looking for a better job, she says at this job, she is also learning while teaching…

Aruna is optimistic about her future… I try to be, but I am sometimes plagued with doubts… She has been trying for a job for many months now and has taken this up as a some-job-better-than-no-job-at-all. When will she get that elusive break? And the question of her marriage… She is a smart well educated young woman and I hope will find a good job given time… Will she find someone who will see her for what she is, and not what her family is, or what her mother does for a living?

I hope for the sake of Aruna and all others like her and her mother who see education as the way out that she finds her place under the sun very soon…


  1. Glad to know about Aruna’s first job! Thanks for the promised update.

    Of course she deserves better, and I too hope this first job is a just a stepping stone.

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