Rumble-tremble news

When was the last time news made your hands tremble?

Hmm, let me see now… Was it when I first heard about Raveena Tandon’s lost dog ?(on the front page of the Times of India) Or was it when I read that Indian couples are now quick to wed, quicker to split? (again on the front page of the ToI).


And if you have quite recovered from the trembly hands and mopped up the spilt coffee, get ready now to feel the news. Uh?

Times TV is now finally on air after a long spell of promotion and promise of news that is different and relevant. Yeah, right. As different as Emraan Hashmi’s next movie in which he claims to have a role that is challenging and different.

TIMES NOW will create the second generation of TV news in the broadcast space. ”Its vision is to expand the space by being relevant to the urbanite who is culturally aware, trend sensitive and brandcentric. With a focus on involving the consumer more closely in the news experience, the channel’s unique programming wheel blends the urgent news needs of the urbanite, says the impartial and totally-unconnected-to-the-Times-Group publication Economic Times.

I imagine this conversation on the morning local :

Commuter 1 : Hey, did you feel the news last night?

Commuter 2 : Oh yes, I did… wasn’t that something? My hands didn’t stop trembling…

Commuter 3 : *Spills coffee from styrofoam cup*

Commuter 4 : *Flashing understanding smile at Commuter 3*

I know how you are feeling… I tried so much to be the involved consumer in this second generation TV news wave. But I was so busy mopping up the coffee from the couch…

*Sighs and elbows her way out at Dadar station*


  1. Shoefiend, what can I say? it is all about breaking through the clutter and so on and so forth…

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