Blog to prevent Alzheimer’s

Blogging could help prevent Alzheimer’s, expert says – says the social software weblog pointing to an article from USA Today on healthy habits that help you stay sharp.

Research on animals and humans suggests mentally challenging activities such as playing bridge, learning a new language or even blogging might help build new connections in the brain, says Molly Wagster at the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.

Hmmm, I wonder if this is true only of blogging (as in writing blogs) or does reading blogs regularly help in the same way? Or what about commenting on blogs?


  1. Hmm. But I also read somewhere that usually only above-average-intelligence-wallahs get it! So maybe we should hone our brains thus far and no further. And how much sharpness is too sharp?

  2. Well, it is now getting increasingly accepted (backed by evidence) that keeping the brain engaged in any activity requiring intelligence helps delay the ageing of the brain.
    Such activities could be anything from group conversations, playing chess to reading blogs and newspapers.
    You can read an article on the Economist on how mental prowess can be preserved while ageing

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