Lalbagh: what flower show?

I walked into the Lalbagh Horticultural Trade Show today – also deceptively called the Lalbagh Flower Show. And walkedout in twenty minutes. For a few disoriented minutes, I believed I was back at Dadar station, the way I got pushed and elbowed, except I heard lots of Telugu around me (not Kannada, not Tamil) and not Marathi. I saw stalls for everything from Cockroach Vanishors and Nature Earth Aroma Products and Milk and Milky Products to Aquaguard Water Purifiers. I got pushed along to an enclosure where I finally spotted flowers but they were, sit down while you read this – in the shape of Taj Mahal. And atleast a hundred couples jostling to get themselves photographed in front of it. Just imagine this (no, no photo) – an emaciated Taj Mahal (must be all the fertilizers finally), the upper dome made almost entirely of red flowers, gleaming copper dome right on top. More stalls selling mirchi bhajji, mineral water, tea and coffee, samosa and pakoda, bonsai plants and seeds, flower pots and fertilizers. But where were the fresh flowers, I say?

Anyway, here is what I managed to salvage out of the twenty minutes I spent in there…

My bubbling model…

Bubbles in the air

Some sunshine and cheer in all the crowd…


Someone with a better idea than mine…


Twins at Lalbagh



  1. Fresh flowers … well .. u have to visit the show as early as possible(first day to be precise). last 2-3 days will always be crowded.

    by the way you have utilised ur 20 minutes in effective way. nice photographs 🙂

  2. shande, thanks! I guess the crowds also increase s the day wears on!

    ys, oh yes, you missed nothing.

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