Faith or religion?

When we went on our holiday, we had no idea it would turn out to be a pilgrimage of sorts… first a too-short day at Amritsar, a few days at Mcleodganj and then a weekend in Delhi, time divided between a hasty visit to the Ganpati temple and a more leisurely hour at Juma Masjid. And we came away surprisingly refreshed, mind more peaceful than it had been just a week ago, from each of these places – not something I ever expect from religion. And then looking at the photographs, I think I saw the reason, faith and not religion. Inward looking, introspective, peaceful and soothing – not violent, agenda-driven, aggressive or loud. Not driven by the idol or the even the physical presence of the place of worship itself but the spirit that seems to envelop everyone inside. (I am not expressing myself well here, but see these photographs to know what I mean…). I could have sat at any of these places for hours on end (and actually did), never wanting to let go of that buzz.

At Amritsar…


At Mcleodganj…


At Juma Masjid…



  1. 🙂 Good to know you feel good after the trip. Your words perhaps mean to express an inner tranquility prompted by the serenity of these places of worship.

  2. ys, yes – serenity – that I didn’t really expect to find in any place of worship…

    ws, thank you 🙂

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