My ‘Mindspace’ blog

Announcing my new blog Mindspace at wordpress. While regular programming will continue here as usual, Mindspace will have more focus on my work areas – qualitative research, ethnography, design and usability, innovations, new technology and such.

Do head there for a dekko. Suggestions and feedback welcome and if nice, much appreciated.


My first real post there was on the growing youth-mobile phone market and instant messaging. As I finished writing that, I saw this on BBC – Literary classics become txt msgs. And how!

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE : 5Sistrs WntngHsbnds. NwMeninTwn-Bingly&Darcy. Fit&Loadd.BigSis Jane Fals 4B,2ndSisLiz H8s D Coz Hes Proud. Slimy Soljr Wikam Sys DHs Shady Past.Trns Out Hes Actuly ARlyNysGuy &RlyFancysLiz. She Decyds She Lyks Him.Evry1 Gts Maryd.


  1. πŸ™‚ yes wasn’t it? but once I got used to the idea, I kind of liked it.
    and you must read the ending to Jane Eyre on the article. great stuff!

  2. Trish πŸ™‚ I use wordpress for this blog too πŸ™‚
    Sujatha, I found it very tough to read it initially and then got used to it!

    Akshay, market research? where? what? tell all?

  3. I’m working for CSMM (IMRB) Mumbai, they’re letting me do some DIs and help them design questionnaires. Its quiet interesing and gives me some insight into the world of business and the glorious field of customer satisfaction.

  4. Wow! When I read that news I didn’t so much think of Pride and Prejudice, one of my favourite novels. This version of P&P was surely the toughest to read – and suddenly I feel sorry for Dot Mobile, for the exercise they are undertaking! πŸ™‚

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