Yellowikis – business listings as wiki

Can’t find that information on the small business you were looking for? Now there is yellowikis – business information in wiki format. (Link through ResearchBuzz). This is what their main page says – We want to be like Yellow Pages (, Dun and Bradstreet ( and Hoovers ( all rolled into one – but open,… Continue reading Yellowikis – business listings as wiki

On trousered modesty

Harini writes about the decision of Mumbai University to ban women from wearing mini skirts, tight tops and shorts, saying this will help prevent rape. Rightly, Harini has taken offence to this cause-effect pronouncement – between rape and attire… And then halfway across the world, there is this – Sartorial shock as English school bans… Continue reading On trousered modesty

Rainwear for your cell phones

Priceless tips on how to protect your phone during the monsoon – and textually says this is the third article in a week on waterproofing mobiles… The article in cybernoon which textually has linked to begins with, A mobile phone is a cherished possession of most people these days. For many, they are second only… Continue reading Rainwear for your cell phones

AIDS and the c word

Found this very interesting post on chutneyspears (oh, I love the name!) – Looking with one eye shut (the picture produced below is also from that blog) Dominic Emmanuel, a Catholic priest from the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese together with the omnipresent Samaritan, Mahesh Bhatt, is leading the efforts to make a Bollywood style movie on… Continue reading AIDS and the c word

My Bangladeshi bai

Recently one day, my maid did not turn up for work in the morning (an event that is crucial for the functioning of this household since she also acts as our unofficial morning alarm). She did not come the next day or the day after that. And no message from her either. It was very… Continue reading My Bangladeshi bai

Blog fillers

This one goes out to our own cow-blogger Amit Varma… We walked in the lane together The sky was covered with stars We reached the gate in silence As I lifted down the bars She neither smiled nor thanked me Because she knew not how For I was only a Farmer’s Boy And she was… Continue reading Blog fillers

More about me

I have finally added more pages on my website – personal and work information – this is something I have beem meaning to do for a long time now… Cheer the frontpage queen, friends and fans 🙂 And the website, like most things in life is work-in-progress, and far from perfect – I am working… Continue reading More about me

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