Happy hair-dressers

Have a look at this Happiness Index published by a British organisation called City & Guilds (Link through the FastCompany weblog). Hairdressers are the happiest workers in Britain: 40 percent say they are very content in their job (giving their careers a score of ten out of ten). Next in the happiness stakes are the… Continue reading Happy hair-dressers


Shortest movie review ever

My husband’s 13 year old nephew on Kaal : it is a great movie – it is just like Jurassic park – except there are tigers in this and not dinosaurs. And while on dinosaurs, here is a funny theory from the Natural History Museum in London – dinosaurs seemed a pet theme there… A… Continue reading Shortest movie review ever


Ad now for the news…

Did anyone watch Abhishek Bacchan and Rani Mukherji read the news on NDTV yesterday? (I did not and I am very curious about this – do you think there is any chance they will retelecast the news? in a bid to increase OTS, of course – that is, for the uninitiated – Opportunity To See)… Continue reading Ad now for the news…


Reining in the spread of AIDS?

The annual AIDS survey has thrown up this happy but surprising finding that the growth of the disease has been controlled in the country. Only 28,000 new infections were reported in 2004, compared to 6 lakh in 2003. Surprising since there is no accompanying explanation in the entire article for this remarkable decrease in the… Continue reading Reining in the spread of AIDS?


On the gender gap

Read Abinandan here on the gender gap, with links from Ramnath on Amartya Sen’s views on the missing women In the same post, Abi also links to another interesting article Do women shy away from competition ? Incidentally, Grant McCracken has a post in his blog (which to my delight sits at the intersection of… Continue reading On the gender gap


Deliver us from the darkness…

Harini has a scathing post on the headlines Now, Mumbai to get a no-nonsense paper…. featured prominently in today’s Economic Times. Today it is the turn of their yet to be launched tabloid (why would any group want two tabloids) the Mumbai Mirror. 🙂 (words hers, smile mine) “Bennett now has a good insight of… Continue reading Deliver us from the darkness…


The new bush telegraph

In a strongly worded post*, Dilip raises some uncomfortable issues here starting with What happens when bloggers post lies, whether knowingly or not? What happens when they post rumours, whether knowingly or not? What happens when they post unsubstantiated assumptions, whether knowingly or not? What happens when they call others names? Here is a report… Continue reading The new bush telegraph


The Blombay Boggers

Since I cannot write to each of the bloggers who has written about yesterday’s meet, here I am sumoing… I have read Aadisht of selective bracketing, Amit — who has discriminated against me on account of my hair being shorter than his – and the initially sceptic old monk on this… One question to Aadisht… Continue reading The Blombay Boggers


Is your job lovely or lousy?

Most of my friends either hate their jobs and are looking for something new all the time or love it and revel in it…. mostly the former…. Is this some kind of a crisis that our generation goes through in search of that elusive perfect job? I came across this interesting research by Maarten Goos… Continue reading Is your job lovely or lousy?


Do you sumo on your blog?

A friend sent me a clipping from Newsweek yesterday – I am still in mild shock…. In this ‘letter from Tokyo’, the writer equates Sumo wrestling with blogging. (I did read till the end but I failed to get the connection but that is not the point of this post – actually there is some… Continue reading Do you sumo on your blog?
