On eskimos and aunts

The new anthropology group blog – Savage Minds has this cartoon from Language Log. And there is lots of further reading on this on Language Log. Geoffrey Pullum here pooh poohs the idea of language – and the words it contains – defining worldview – or is it the other way round? While here ,… Continue reading On eskimos and aunts


Monetizing RSS feeds

Are you one of those people who uses an RSS feed not just for the convenience but also to avoid any intrusive advertising – that otherwise pops up on ther websites? Not for long, maybe…. Here are some ideas from the napsterization blog on business models for RSS Dave Morgan here says Analysts and pundits… Continue reading Monetizing RSS feeds


The Great Indian Survey Trick

Here is an outsider’s view of the market research business – A question of questions – writes Rashmi Bansal. A jibe at QADR – Quick And Dirty Research – done by advertising agencies and clients to get a “feel” of the issue at hand – and also to cover their backside at the next presentation….… Continue reading The Great Indian Survey Trick


Which Aamir Khan is best?

… Asks a poll in the Brand reporter Of all the characters that Aamir Khan has played for Coke, which one is your favourite? Tapori or Hyderabadi? Punjabi Farmer or UP Bhaiyya? Nepali Guide or Bengali Babu? Manno Bhabhi or Dinu Kaka? Go vote here


No books, only e-pages

Do you enjoy reading from a monitor as much as you do from a page? Personaly, I have never been able to sit through an e-book – ok, so I am old fashioned – I still enjoy reading letters much much more than e-mails… Read this – College Libraries Set Aside Books in a Digital… Continue reading No books, only e-pages


‘What makes a blog a blog’?

I have often wondered about why some blogs (and I wonder all the more about the more popular blogs) do not have a comments feature… Came across this post on ‘what makes a blog a blog’ on Naked Conversations. If blogs are about open conversations, how can you turn off comments and claim its a… Continue reading ‘What makes a blog a blog’?


For whom the belles toil…

I keep seeing this rather disturbing ad on local cable TV here in Vashi… First it says WEL-COME TO HEAP OF EDUCATION Followed by CONTACT : SANGEETHA MADAM – (Phone numbers) ——————————————————- Also in Sector 17 is ‘Nutan Shoes’ which has a special offer on… UPTO 25% OFF ON LADIES OFFER ON SELECTED ITEM ONLY


Reverse agenda setting?

In The medium, the message, and the masses on India Together, Ammu Joseph writes on what public broadcasting should rightly be all about. We all freely and at regular intervals criticize the media for giving undue salience to otherwise frivolous news items / issues… we are often outraged at what increasingly passes off as news… Continue reading Reverse agenda setting?


Bound by ‘social custom’

Came across this report on Dilip D’Souza’s blog – and from there on Annie’s – about a woman social worker in MP – she is a campaigner against child marriages – and her hands were slashed off a few hours before thousands of child marriages took place across the state… LONG POST FOLLOWS – READ… Continue reading Bound by ‘social custom’
