More on the Mobilis

Dheepak has written a rather long and informative comment on my earlier post – the ‘affordable’ computer dream – rather than reproduce it here, I thought it would be better to leave it there and urge you to read it as a comment – and also leave your thoughts on it please. ICT4d is an… Continue reading More on the Mobilis


The ‘affordable’ computer dream

‘Mobilis’ PC @Rs10K! Encore, Encore!. The Mobilis, a Linux based desktop is slated for launch soon – priced roughly at Rs.10000. “The “Mobilis” would cost between 10,000-12,000 rupees per piece initially but the price may come down with large volume production,” Vinay Deshpande, chairman and CEO of the Bangalore-based Encore Software, told Reuters. Clearly, the… Continue reading The ‘affordable’ computer dream


City of hope or despair?

Bombay no longer a city of hope? asked a couple of people at this blog after reading Once was Bombay?. To me, Bombay will always be the city of hope (not so sure about Mumbai though, if you know what I mean)… Where people come to make a living – whether from Bihar to be… Continue reading City of hope or despair?


Once was Bombay?

Scene : Juhu at 8 p.m. last friday – self with friend from Bangalore – trying to get a cab. As one cabbie after the other refused to take us – and were rude to top that – (as our destination was fairly close by) – my friend said, what is happening to bombay? I… Continue reading Once was Bombay?


“Arrogant Nation”

Read Doug Soderstrom on the great American arrogance in countercurrents – beginning with The arrogance of ignorance, a profoundly dangerous and ill-informed presumption that one’s own people are better (wiser, morally and spiritually ascendant, and more capable) than others, seems rather well entrenched within the American populace


The coconut’s not amused

Coconut trees take offence and go on strike after this : Bihari Babu: A child was born without a head in our state. We had a coconut fitted, and he grew up to become the railway minister.’’ Also taking “serious note” of this is the coconut man himself – Laloo. A case of the pot… Continue reading The coconut’s not amused


Study on ‘Mrs. Urban India’

After kids and the young Indian male, it is now the turn of urban Indian women to be ‘studied’ and segmented (ouch!) The findings give five distinct segments with more details about the demographic, lifestyle, psychographics and brand skew of these segments. Lowe India has labelled these as ‘Mrs. Hasmukh’ – Popular (27 per cent),… Continue reading Study on ‘Mrs. Urban India’


India Literacy Project

Anya blogs about the India Literacy Project. Their website is lucid and informative – unlike that of more ‘popular’ ones within India like the Infosys Foundation for instance… They appear to have thought through the various and complex issues involved in the ‘100% literacy’ objective – and consequently have funding for projects which tackle this… Continue reading India Literacy Project


Laddu means boy, barfi means girl

Cyberbrahma has a very interesting post on the missing girls – a new take on gender imbalance – too many ‘brides wanted’ – too few available! I had written long ago about a novel method devised by unscrupulous doctors in the rural north to circumvent the banned prenatal diagnostic test – I was reading that… Continue reading Laddu means boy, barfi means girl


Hobson’s choice for newspaper readers

Following Harini’s report on the paper wars, here’s the latest from the turf…. agencyfaqs says : battleground Mumbai – HT, DNA setting up printing units in new Bombay. And exchange4media breaks news with Ex-president of Deccan Chronicle, M Venkataraman, joins Bhaskar Group for DNA project HT has now been threatening to enter the Mumbai market… Continue reading Hobson’s choice for newspaper readers
