My passport photo travails

When You look Like Your Passport Photo, It’s Time to Go Home. Says Erma Bombeck… Sure, what is it about passport photos that bring out simply the worst and most lifeless in our faces? After insisting that you comb your hair and powder (yes, I went through this in Madras yesterday – when I meekly… Continue reading My passport photo travails

Categorized as Pot-pourri

Lost for metaphors…

We have a favourite question we use in qualitative research to understand the extent of emotional bonding a customer has with a brand (yes, there are some one us naive ones who believe that people have eomtional bonds with brands) – how would you feel if you came to know that x brand is dead… Continue reading Lost for metaphors…


The Hindu : a new look

The Hindu in a new look… colour in its masthead, horizontal index with colour pics, overall lighter feel (visually)… Classic, yet contemporary; contemporary, yet classic — that is what The Hindu has continually sought to be in the world of Indian and international newspapers. Says designer Mario Garcia: the new design will make this newspaper… Continue reading The Hindu : a new look


No Smoking in Marlboro Country

Smoking Outlawed in ‘Marlboro Country’, says Adrants Montana, which has served as Marlboro Country in magazine ads depicting rugged cowboys puffing on cigarettes while riding a fence line, is about to outlaw smoking just about everywhere but the great outdoors. The state Legislature voted Thursday to ban smoking in all enclosed public places, including bars… Continue reading No Smoking in Marlboro Country


Battling AIDS in India

Patrix writes about the AIDS tsunami… Here’s an interview with the head of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in India – from the mckinsey quarterly on battling AIDS in India (you need registration but it is worth the effort) In a country of a billion people, about 4.6 million are HIV positive. If the… Continue reading Battling AIDS in India


Responsible blogging

I have not read Jon Stock’s The Cardamom Club… but I read Stock in The Week regularly. In the recent issue of The Week, he writes about a Delhi based blogger who has reviewed his book… …the Internet might seem a thoroughly vast and unanonymous place, but as search engines trawl ever more deeply through… Continue reading Responsible blogging


‘Stung by the West’

Ramachandra Guha writes, The decision to deny Modi entry to the US was inspired, not by abstract ideals of justice, but by hard-nosed realpolitik. But to ensure that no foreign government makes an Indian politician the target of its hypocrisies, we must make sure that the violations that attract foreign scrutiny do not go unpunished… Continue reading ‘Stung by the West’


Paired Interview Technique

Fast-tracking research with paired interviews (link through elearningpost) Why why do research agencies still cling to conventional beaten-to-death techniques – even though in many situations it is not the best or most efficient method of data collection / analysis – so much so that qualitative research (atleast in India) has become synonymous with focus groups?… Continue reading Paired Interview Technique


Oye Bubbly – the music video?

The new Pepsi ad – Oye Bubbly – I was wondering which bloggers (s) were going to puke first… Anita says the ad is absolutely horrific…. and Twilight Fairy says Yeh Dil Maange No More… When the mighty fall, they sure fall hard. I always believed Pepsi (and JWT?) had their finger pulse on their… Continue reading Oye Bubbly – the music video?


Gender (in)equations

Just finished reading The Female Eunuch – at first read, the book sure packs a punch – ‘full of bile and insight’ says a review on the blurb – and the bile kind of spills over from the pages on to your hands… It must have made tremendous sense for the time in which it… Continue reading Gender (in)equations
