Cosmo on the railway platform

I was away this weekend in a small town on the Andhra Pradesh – Karnataka border – one of those thousands of towns across India racked by identity crisis – literally, as the journey takes you across AP and Karnataka in turns every f ew minutes (this happened to me in MP – UP too)… Continue reading Cosmo on the railway platform


Grr, spam

My blog was swamped with thousands (I am not exaggerating, people) – thousands of spam comments. And I was at the point of deleting the comments option from the blog when Sameer came to my rescue once again. Here’s hoping this blog is spam free from now (or is that too much to hope for?).… Continue reading Grr, spam


I am back!

I am back… after a long long break. Thanks all you people who have been asking why I have not been blogging. Lots of changes in life been keeping me off the blog – including a new home and loads of work… Just back from Varanasi – nope, not a pilgrimage but fieldwork. In case… Continue reading I am back!


Computer lingo!

Speaking with college kids in Delhi in the course of some research, I find them repeatedly using phrases like ‘copy-paste’ (for copy – like copy someone else’s mannerisms / style) and ‘Times New Roman’ (for a plain person) and ‘virus’ (for anything from a slight kink to a serious anomaly – like usme dimaag me… Continue reading Computer lingo!


From Delhi…

Been in Delhi the last few days – haven’t been blogging regularly… Have been so spoilt as a Bombaiya, am still trying to come to terms with the work culture in Delhi (or total lack of it)… Spent my first day in Delhi riding in a cab all day with Night Queen stickered on both… Continue reading From Delhi…


The brand loyalty debate

Ongoing debate at brandchannel – Is Brand Loyalty Dead? The two sides… Cheating Heart and True Love (!) I think there will be a difference based on the kind of market / economy – in a developed, saturated market with few unbranded products, I would imagine more brand parity existing as opposed to less developed… Continue reading The brand loyalty debate


Outsourcing tuition from India

California, Boston kids dial India to brush up maths, science, reports the Indian Express. More outsourcing from India and this time what can only be called ‘knowledge’. Twice a week, Ann Maria, a sixth grader at Silver Oak Elementary School, California, logs on the Internet from home. She’s not chatting up with friends, but connecting… Continue reading Outsourcing tuition from India


Bad timing

When even Beckham failed to bend it . Pepsi postpones ad featuring David Beckham among others on the sun, sand and surf theme; the ad was due to appear on TV around the world, including Asia. This month’s issue of Outlook Traveller came late on the stands because they scrapped the entire cover story which… Continue reading Bad timing


Spam comments

Adrants says, Google Says FU to Blog Comment Spammers Wish I could do the same…


Festivity in the air

Bombay is rocking! With the Mumbai Festival and the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival both on, South Bombay has a carnival feel about it…. Music, theatre, arts, sport, shopping – have been catching some great music these last few days…. A non-religious ‘festival’ is such a rarity in India – way to go Mumbai!
