Paan – the great indian delicacy

Everything you have always wanted to know about paan but didn’t know whom to ask. Here is David-Michel Davis’ account of his great Indian discovery… Link through Boingboing – complete with picture of a cool ornate paan shop in southern india


‘Wellbeing’ as an indication of policy success

What About Gross National Happiness? asks Time in this issue on ‘The Science of Happiness’ The last I heard this term Gross National Happiness used was during BJP’s India Shining campaign…


On Indibloggies

I just discovered to my shock – yes, and pleasant surprise too – that both my blogs have been nominated in the indibloggies under best topical blog. (Never mind that neither has received any vote… hint, hint!!). Mediamusings is particularly special since it is a new collaborative blog on our favourite topic – the Indian… Continue reading On Indibloggies


Call centre blues

Racism is just a phone call away, says this report on the front page of today’s Times of India. Frustrated at being ‘Bangalored’, crusaders from the “Western” world have now taken the fight into their own hands – literally – by picking up the telephone. And what is truly disgusting here is not the abuse… Continue reading Call centre blues


Who is happiest?

Study quoted in Outlook on happiness levels across cities in India – Bangalore, City In A Deep Blue Funk Despite its weather and greenery; despite its emergence as the city of opportunities, Bangaloreans are India’s unhappiest people. Once again, a lot of figures and percentages quoted from this study by Synovate but little analysis and… Continue reading Who is happiest?


Ancient knowledge helps islanders

Reading Winds, Waves Help Indian Islanders, says this article from the Guardian in the antropologi blog. From the Guardian article, Government officials and anthropologists believe that ancient knowledge of the movement of wind, sea and birds may have saved the five indigenous tribes on the Indian archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar islands from the tsunami… Continue reading Ancient knowledge helps islanders


New year…

Here is to new beginnings – a new year filled with peace and happiness (Sunrise at Mahabaleshwar, October 2004) Happy new year….


SMS in the time of disaster

Textually. org has some interesting posts about how the internet and sms technology are being used in the tsunami affected areas of Asia… In the meanwhile, this part of the world is still tense and unsure in the wake of fresh warnings of tremors and floodwaves. Here’s praying for a peaceful new year… And while… Continue reading SMS in the time of disaster


Politicians obstruct relief work

In the wake of what I had written about petty political squabbles, I came across this report on Sumankumar’s blog…. Suman and a few others have also stared a tsunamihelpindia blog here…
