Google ads

Google has been running ads on my blog around the suicide prevention and counselling theme. All thanks to this earlier post of mine. Now I am having trouble getting this image of mentally troubled, verging on the suicidal visitors on my blog… Help!


Petty political squabbles

I have been watching news on Sun TV these last couple of days (thanks to my parents who are visiting)…. and it is full of crap about how the Tamilnadu government has failed to provide adequate support to those in distress in the areas affected by the tsunami. Now I am all for the role… Continue reading Petty political squabbles


Tsunamihelp blog

While the rest of us have been watching the news in horrified silence, a group of bloggers have created this blog resource on the tsunami disaster…. The blog has the latest news and information updates about aid, donations and volunteer efforts…. Do visit and support them…


Hilarious hoarding

It can’t get funnier than this… or more ironical… Found this thru a link provided by Ankesh Kothari on brandautopsy . And couldn’t resist sharing it here…


On suicide

Shanghai: Study says 1 in 4 youths thinks about taking own life, says this report in the Antropolgi blog. Kids unable to face the increasing social pressures on and expectations from them… for seemingly mundane reasons as poor academic performance (I come across stories of such suicides – due to failure in examinations – on… Continue reading On suicide


Teacher truancy

For a country in which higher education is so valued, India’s record in primary education is dismal, says Prof. Kaushik Basu in the BBC News. With a literacy rate (percentage of adults who can read and write) of 65%, India compares poorly to not just industrialised nations but also several much-poorer economies, such as Vietnam… Continue reading Teacher truancy


Blogging burnout?

This title touched a chord as soon as I read it…. What To Do When The Blogger’s Block Hit You. Some sound advice on what I am sure most bloggers suffer from time to time – blogger’s block – keep your blog going even during low motivation times – keeping it short and simple is… Continue reading Blogging burnout?


Blog : word of the year

Reuters reports that the word ‘blog’ tops tops U.S. dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster’s list of the 10 words of the year. (Link through Poynter e-media tidbits) Describing ‘blog’ as a four-letter term that came to symbolize the difference between old and new media during this year’s presidential campaign, the report goes on to state that it… Continue reading Blog : word of the year


Cutting through misinformation

If you are wondering why all this hoopla about AIDS (as I was till just now), today is World AIDS day. Following Balbir Pasha’a return to the scene, I found this piece of information very interesting – India Enlists Barbers in the War on AIDS. Rediff had carried a similar story recently : Want to… Continue reading Cutting through misinformation


The Pasha returns

Its time now for Bombayites to wonder Balbir Pasha ki biwi aur bacchon ko bhi AIDS aayega ? Yes, Balbir Pasha is back (with a bang, may I say? pun intended or otherwise) and once again looms large from hoardings all over Bombay… I had written long ago about the emerging soober-star of Madras, Pulli… Continue reading The Pasha returns
