Back on blog!

The longer you stay away from your blog, the harder it is to start again…. I cannot believe I was wondering last week if I had anything to blog about…


Star Wars – attack of the clones

Or should that be clowns? On the idiot box. Which only gets more idiotic and mind-numbing with every passing day. More entertaining than actual tv content is the offline attacks and counter-attacks of tv channels against each other. Sahara รขโ‚ฌโ€œ STAR fracas takes new turn with conflict over tagline, says exchange4media. This should be fun…… Continue reading Star Wars – attack of the clones


Blog nirvana

My blog is blog of the day today on BlogStreet India. What more can I ask for, having got there inch by slow painful inch ๐Ÿ™‚


SMS for ‘Saral Mobile Sandesh’

Nokia launches SMS in Hindi to widen reach . The Mera Nokia service currently in Hindi, is soon to be followed by other regional languages including Bengali, Kannada, Tamil and Marathi. Following efforts for providing computing in regional languages, this is a major step in taking technology to the hinterlands – not to mention tapping… Continue reading SMS for ‘Saral Mobile Sandesh’


India and innovation

Thus begins the piece in Wired News on how India is emerging as an innovation hub, Generations of Indians have grown up recounting jokes about how the only contribution their nation has made to the world is the invention of zero. Innovation was something other people did. Have they? Is it? This interesting article talks… Continue reading India and innovation


Cool nightcap – Horlicks?

In an article titled, Horlicks branded the coolest drink, the magazine USP Age says, according to a British newspaper, The Sun, the 130-year old drink has been granded the world’s coolest drink. The world’s trendiest bars, clubs, and hotels are stocking and serving the old bedtime favourite instead of caffeine packed coffee and tea. blah… Continue reading Cool nightcap – Horlicks?


Colours of Rajasthan

Pictures from Rajasthan – Kota, Bundi, Jaipur and Jodhpur (Want to write about each of these magical places… oh, for less laziness… later maybe) Please view them on Colours Of Rajasthan at flickr.


Selling via SMS

Following this post about immersive text messaging is this paper on marketing through SMS. A rather startling statement here – selling via SMS has also started picking up momentum and will soon be at par with the figures of trading on Internet. Will SMS marketing really take off this way?
