Blog break

Am off for a holiday. In Rajasthan. See you here next Thursday on. With pictures and stories….


Unwanted comments

Alright, I have had it with jobless ***#@%&^s who leave crap comments on my blog. How can I block comments I dont want. People, help!


‘Smart’ measure of intelligence

Measuring a child’s IQ is an obsolete way to determine intelligence, and in fact, labels youngsters unfairly, according to a University of Alberta professor. From the Science Blog The traditional IQ measure, as can be expected when graphed, is a curve in the classic ‘bell’ shape where most people are distributed around the average intelligence… Continue reading ‘Smart’ measure of intelligence


Television ratrace

What’s with television channels and the number One? Harini says Star is offering yet another channel from its stable. Star One – to be launched on the first of Novmeber is aimed at the upper end of the TG. And now I see hoardings all over announcing that from now, Sahara TV wil be One… Continue reading Television ratrace


Textual @traction

Immersive text messaging in the short film Textual @traction (link through community mobilization) Came across this piece about an interactive movie… Do read through the whole short piece… Is sure to make you think the way I did – is there no end to the possibilities that new technology offers? Opportunities for mobile advertising is… Continue reading Textual @traction


Google desktop search

The google desktop search has already got so many rave reviews from bloggers. Have downloaded it and I think it rocks… Talk of seamless searches… Seems to me Google is really headed places… and in the right direction… And just as I was chatting with a friend about this, he mentioned Google’s plans for a… Continue reading Google desktop search


The CEO Bloggers’ Club

The CEO bloggers’ Club had its first meeting yesterday and have published the report on the site… A space for CEO level people from across the world. Sharing local knowledge at a global level… Markets and culture as conversation…. Potentially a dynamite of an idea… I am going to watch this space with interest… And… Continue reading The CEO Bloggers’ Club


Goodbye to the Golden Arches?

McDonald’s Replaces Golden Arches With Question Mark in the UK – from Adrants (link thru adland). Imagine the McD without the golden arches… McD has not been having it easy, has it? What with Supersize Me and beefat or not to beefat… But is changing the logo and the line (as adrants says, just to… Continue reading Goodbye to the Golden Arches?


Targeting the ‘senior’ segment

From the adverblog, A cell phone for GrandPa. The US mobile phone industry is ready to target a “new” generation of consumers: seniors. An article on the The New York Times (free reg. req.) highlights the senior population represents a great opportunity for the market to grow. It won’t be easy, since elder people have… Continue reading Targeting the ‘senior’ segment
