This ganpati brought to you by…

It’s that day of the year again when half of Bombay comes to a stand-still…. Because the other three-fourths are going mad with devotional frenzy (not to forget, commercial greed, but more on that later). The day of the immersion of the grotesque Ganpatis that have been adorning street corners and busy intersections for the… Continue reading This ganpati brought to you by…


Onward ho :

Yes, am moving…. finally. After many false starts….In the process of shifting this blog to my new address but will be posting there from now on… A time to reflect will be at from now on Do keep visiting indsight and dropping your footprints behind…


Different Strokes

Asian Paints has taken my breath away yet again with their advertising… Their laal laal ad with Shubha Mudgal has turned traditional colour semiotics on its head. And just when I thought this was advertising at its evocative best, I saw the pila hai rang khushi ka‘ ad – yellow, the colour of happiness. Who… Continue reading Different Strokes


My roadblog

Of travels and travel dreams… mostly through photographs….. Coming up this month, Malshej Ghat and Hogenakkal Falls at my roadblog on flickr


Professional groupies

Today, a friend and colleague was out on the field all day doing qualitative depth interviews. She met a respondent who had been attending groups everyday for the last three days. So much for strict and disguised recruitment criteria. Dina had written long ago about the problem of what we call ‘professional respondents’. Which is… Continue reading Professional groupies


Moving to indsight

My new blog up and running… Watch this space from now on 🙂


Moving On

WARNING : REDUNDANT POST It’s time for all the gyanis to come to the aid of the needy…. Want to part ways from blogger. Somewhere out there in all that space is some little corner that could belong to me soon 🙂 Except I have no idea where to begin (actually, I know where to… Continue reading Moving On


More on ethnography on the net

Thinking more on netnography…. adapting ethnographic research techniques to the study of cultures and communities constructed through the Internet A community like ryze is reaching saturation point India-wise…. – Why are Indians such avid ryzers?– What kind of people do we network with? And why? And some questions Edward of livinginindia (or elsewhere on the… Continue reading More on ethnography on the net


On netnography – ethnography on the net

Not a typo, this. Check out a netnographic investigation of online communities here. (Link through “Netnography,” coined from ‘ethnography on the Internet,’ is an emerging qualitative research methodology adapting ethnographic research techniques to the study of cultures and communities constructed through the Internet. There are links to Robert Kozinets’ site with netnography and much… Continue reading On netnography – ethnography on the net
