Separation of states

Does it make sense for large Indian states to be broken up (or is it broken down) into smaller managable states? India Today’s cover story on survey of states (August 16,2004) and the issue following that have done this question to death. (Of course, I do not fully agree with the findings and analysis of… Continue reading Separation of states


On domestic violence

Today’s discovery is : thought-provoking insights on India (although I must admit that I found it strange that the writer rather than the reader thought so – but then to each his own). With categories politics, terrorism, economy, security, IndoPak relations and more – this is sure one interesting blog. (A blog discovery a… Continue reading On domestic violence


On the news genre

I know I am on a news-bashing spree. And if you like that, head to Media Musings for more. (Media Musings is a collaborative blog with Harini on – surprise, surprise – media happenings and ought-not-to-happens)


Life and Times of Bharat Mata

For a nation with one of the lowest sex ratios in the world, we have managed to deify woman qiute successfully. Traditionally, the ‘feminine’ has been the nurturer, fertile and life-giving. She is the earth form, denoting denotes life and energy. All gods in the Indian pantheon have a female countepart goddess (except the confirmed… Continue reading Life and Times of Bharat Mata


The magic of Malshej Ghat

The hills are alive… Or they come alive just after the rains…. Malshej Ghat was bright green and cool…. Have heard that flamingos flock to Malshej Ghat during the rains. But none to be seen yesterday (they have gone back to wherever they came from?) Roads good and awful in parts. In all, a pleasant… Continue reading The magic of Malshej Ghat


When will this madness end?

Russia – yet another hostage crisis gone terribly wrong…. And most heart-wrenching was this story – when a mother was made to choose between her two children…. Anybody who has read or seen Sophie’s Choice will know what I mean…. From a review of the movie – In the film’s third flashback, Sophie tells Stingo… Continue reading When will this madness end?


Giving the devil his due

No, not Chandru who celebrates the return of the devil…. One of Indian advertising’s most written-off campaigns turned out to be one of the most memorable and lovable…. Chandru says, the Devil told people it is OK to be a show-off. It’s OKAY, really, to flaunt what you have, cause you deserve to. Absolutely. And… Continue reading Giving the devil his due


One year old!

It’s happy birthday time on my blog… discovered deliberately by accident that it was exactly a year ago on this day that the world started to receive the benefits of all the ancient wisdom and knowledge that I had to share…. There – I said it with a straight face. But this year of blogging… Continue reading One year old!
