Update time…. Achtung!

April just went by…. One of those months of total inertia…. Almost vegetation…. No work, no outing, no activity, not even blogging…. Had the Madras heat to blame…. And now with these cool refreshing showers in Madras, life suddenly seems more livable… woke up on Monday thinking about resuming blogging… Wednesday today… will blog regularly,… Continue reading Update time…. Achtung!


Candidate No. 1

Made my day Govinda, Congress candidate on the BJP’s agendaThey have only two issues : Ram Janmabhoomi and Sonia Janmabhoomi (Janmabhoomi = birthplace) Is it any wonder I love Govinda ?!


Mobile dissatisfaction

Some things remain the same….. A recent article in McKinsey Quarterly talks about complaints in the US against mobile phone companies. A gist of the article (emphasis mine): The US wireless-telecom industry is number one in complaints. In 2002, more dissatisfied customers complained to the Better Business Bureau about their mobile operators than about any… Continue reading Mobile dissatisfaction


Blogging break

Been not blogging for a while now…. Lot of reasons. In Madras now and trying to cope with the heat….. And a slow dial up connection where I am staying….. And a recurrent back problem that has resurfaced…. And general inertia…. Been a longish break now…. Will be back very soon….. In the meanwhile, am… Continue reading Blogging break


The Old and the Beautiful

Make way Magic Johnson, David Beckham…. Meet Fauja Singh, the latest brand ambassador for Adidas UK…. This 92 year old runner from Illford UK started running at the age of 81 and has set records in the London Marathon. True, for many, life indeed begins in autumn-winter…. In the West, it is considered quite natural… Continue reading The Old and the Beautiful


Neuromarketing ? What next ?

Beware! Big Brother is not just watching…. He is getting ready to actually open your brain and look inside it to see the processes inside. And all in the name of research…. shudder, shudder…. Have been reading a lot about neuromarketing, the neurological study of a person’s mental state and reactions while being exposed to… Continue reading Neuromarketing ? What next ?


When is advertising intrusive?

I received a call yesterday on my mobile phone from a Delhi number…. A familiar gruff voice said, namaskar, mein Atal Bihari Vajpayee bol raha hoon… I didn’t listen to it further but I am sooooo angry…. How dare the PM or anybody I do not know call me on my cell phone? I think… Continue reading When is advertising intrusive?


David on ‘survival of the fittest’

Chanced upon this article ‘Survival of the fittest’ in David’s blog (link thru brandmantra)….. his insightful analysis on why so many weblogs get abandoned after the initial euphoria…. Of all his principles, one particularly striking ‘when the words don’t come, work on something else’…. sound advice…. I often read blogspots that seem oh, so contrived….… Continue reading David on ‘survival of the fittest’


Working in a call centre

I have not been updating my blog of late. Been busy with a free-lance project that is eating into my time. I am enjoying this project, not because the kind of work I am doing is new or different. But because the place I am working out of is. I am conducting some interviews over… Continue reading Working in a call centre
