The joy of discovering…..

When was the last time you did anything for the first time ? Emirates Airlines….. I had written about it ages ago when I had just started blogging….. atleast it seems like ages ago! ———————————————————————————-Wednesday, August 27, 2003One Life, Many Dreams Saw this ad for Emirates Airlines recently. A couple of dignified middle-aged men. Silent.… Continue reading The joy of discovering…..


Valentine’s Day Specials

In keeping with all the fluff and romance around me today, here’s a few good ones I got on email…… These are entries to a competition from Washington Post…… ————————————————————Kind, intelligent, loving and hot This describes everything you are not. I love your smile, your face, and your eyes Damn, I’m good at telling lies!… Continue reading Valentine’s Day Specials


How to be ‘happening’

Don’t be lonesome on Valentine’s says an ad in the Times Of India, for….. for what, I am not quite clear from the ad (ok, atleast I have the satisfaction of knowing I was not the target audience. I would be appalled to have such an ad directed at me). I think it is an… Continue reading How to be ‘happening’


Last Minute Management

Just finished working on a project report and sent it off….. such a relief….. I had ample time to work on it but the dead-line seemed so elusively distant…. till last week when it started seeming distant from the other side, if you know what I mean….. When I got cracking on it…… Makes me… Continue reading Last Minute Management


Invisible child labour

I had posted this as a guest post on Debashish’s Hindi blog. For those who have not read the Hindi version, here comes the post on a topic very close to my heart…… I have a simple question : what is child labour ? Just have a look at this statement….. With credible estimates ranging… Continue reading Invisible child labour


IIMs now made ‘affordable’

Cheap IIMs. Is Indian corporata ready for this ? The Union HR Minister Murli Manohar Joshi has announced an 80% slash in the yearly fees : from Rs. 1.5 lakhs to Rs.30000. Who gives him this right to interfere in everything he chooses? If corruption (all this started with the leak in this year’s admission… Continue reading IIMs now made ‘affordable’


Hofstede’s culture onion

About my post you want values?, I must say that people have missed the point entirely……. The holler was not about observing (or not observing in this case) a holiday or remembering (or not) a specific date. Nor was my intention to compare Amitabh Bacchan with Mohandas Gandhi. (Gandhi) He was as much of an… Continue reading Hofstede’s culture onion


The new cola

Pespi (and Coke too, not one to be left behind) now has a new variant : Organic Cola….. Go Organic With The Cooler Cola?


Time for a guest post

Debashish’s Hindi blog Nuktachini has a guest post by me….. Do read it….. It is great fun reading a Hindi blog….. even if a little tiresome for Madrasis like me :)) Go for it, Debu !
