What about job satisfaction?

A close friend of my parents retired from work yesterday, after twenty-eight years in the Reserve Bank of India. When she came home to visit my parents, she was feeling quite senti. It is like a daughter leaving her home after marriage…. My parents retied from the same bank a few years ago. When they… Continue reading What about job satisfaction?


The Nature versus Nurture Debate

I just finished reading a fascinating book called ‘Human Instinct’ by Robert Winston. The book is a detailed analysis of the great debate : nature v/s nurture. The question which has been haunting social scientists (and those from the natural sciences too) : which is more powerful in shaping our identity : our genes or… Continue reading The Nature versus Nurture Debate


The Good Old Days

Been reading a lot about quarter life crisis. Is it quite quarter or one-third life ? Anyways, quarter-life is the time when you stop suddenly to take stock and say what the *&%^ am I doing with my life?? The time when all childhood and teenage dreams have come to an end. When you disturbingly… Continue reading The Good Old Days


Lost my voice

Have caught an infection from my days at the hospital with hubby during his operation. Doc has ordered total rest for the voice box. Which means no speech for next 2 days. The entire family heaves a sigh of relief at this. Can still hear the echoes 🙂 Fortunately, this ban does not extend to… Continue reading Lost my voice


Which is Witch, asks The Week

The whole world and it’s little ones are lapping up Harry Potter’s exploits and discovering the charm (no pun intended) of magic and witchcraft and wizardry. In India, it is business as usual for the witch-hunters. The recent issue of The Week carries a story of gruesome incidents in Chattisgarh involving women allegedly involved in… Continue reading Which is Witch, asks The Week


The Polling Game

Yet another cover story from Outlook based on a survey. Second time in two issues. This time called rather dramatically, MNCs : Villains or Victims ? In general, I have nothing against polls as a research tool or when used for prediction or post-mortem. What I am tired of is the way surveys are increasingly… Continue reading The Polling Game


Can Barista ever be unviable?

Barista to shut 10 ‘unviable’ stores….. How did Barista get unviable ?! It seemed to me that they had a sure winner, anywhere they chose to open shop. After all, they had neatly plugged the long-felt need for a chill-out coffee shop…. In fact, I have often wondered why people (mostly kids with no known… Continue reading Can Barista ever be unviable?


The route from brick-bats to bouquets

Is DEATH. Man, does that sound dramatic !! I am talking about Rajiv Gandhi’s memorial at Sriperumbudur recently “dedicated” to the nation by our Prez Dr. Kalam. This “tribute” to Rajiv, which took more than eight years to see the light of day. With various political and social leaders waxing eloquent about Rajiv’s vision and… Continue reading The route from brick-bats to bouquets


Women’s Era

Have you ever been stuck in a hole with nothing to read ? I was…. When I came across a recent issue of Women’s Era. The last time I saw the magazine was about eight years ago. Very little has changed. None of the thirty ways to thrill your partner in bed or find your… Continue reading Women’s Era


Health-care spells BIG BUCKS

And CALLOUSNESS…. I am writing this as my husband lies in hospital…. Two days after an emergency surgery…… This is the second time in one year for us to be in hospital for surgery. Except that the last time around, I was the patient and was blissfully unaware of what was happening…. So why am… Continue reading Health-care spells BIG BUCKS
