Maid in India

Can someone who doesn’t even know how to read or write use a computer? Microsoft Corp. is probing that question at a research lab in India. Microsoft seeking ways to help illiterate. That is promising. And then this… Working with a local advocacy group, Microsoft has developed a prototype of a system that would connect… Continue reading Maid in India

Categorized as Indiawatch

Dance baby, dance

Iam going through a blogger’s block and have not been posting regularly. Sometimes I stare at the screen and wonder whether there is anything at all to write about. This too shall pass. I hope. And then there are these incidents which make me want to write again… A couple of days ago I attended… Continue reading Dance baby, dance

Computer training and social mobility

In the previous post about the nature of advertising in high involvement product categories, education figured as a lucrative business area. I discussed briefly the areas of English coaching and higher education (as represented by the numerous private MBA institutes and dental colleges and engineering college all over the country). Exciting promises of a bright… Continue reading Computer training and social mobility

Aruna dreams of a job…

This is the story of Aruna, a very bright young woman I know. Aruna’s mother – and her mother before her – has been working at my husband’s parents’ place in Kakinada for many years. Aruna’s mother Sai did not want the same life for her daughter; so Aruna went to school while her mother… Continue reading Aruna dreams of a job…