Bangalore weekend

Just back from a weekend of work in Bangalore. Or is it Bengaluru now? Not much has changed since the time I left Bangalore to return to where the heart is. Two and a half years. True, Bangalore has become a one-way city – if you miss a turn somewhere, chances are you need to… Continue reading Bangalore weekend

Hot Bombay, cool Matheran

Okay, so I am linking again. So? As Bombay gets hot and hotter, here is a post on cool, green Matheran at Itchy Feet. Different viewpoint, same view…

Windows by Microsoft?

When you have nothing to say, link it. Even better, cross-post. (In less polite circles, also known as ctrlC-ctrlV, but I did say ‘Windows by Microsoft?’ – if you have read this already, apologies, just read it once more). Just writing of all that food has me down with food poisoning (not kidding). So here… Continue reading Windows by Microsoft?

My own heritage walk

Been spending a lot of time at the Kala Ghoda festival, soaking in culture in small digestible bite-sized pieces… As I walk around the stalls on both ends of the road, I wonder about the way popular Bollywood has come to be accepted as part of the arts… Has it always been this way? I… Continue reading My own heritage walk

Penguins in the air

Time to ring in the new and throw out the old… for most Indians, it is not the new year’s day but a day two weeks later that marks this phase of hope. Co-inciding with the movement of the sun northward, or Uttarayan; longer days and happier times. Worship of the sun god; thanks for… Continue reading Penguins in the air

A friend’s story

Have you read Thurber’s The day the dam broke. I still laugh when I read James Thurber and this story of how rumors about a broken dam wall created panic in Columbus, Ohio, is one of my particular favorites. But broken dam walls are not all ha ha ha… “Look at these pictures,” said Hoster,… Continue reading A friend’s story

From Jalandhar

Jalandhar is a small town in many ways – nice friendly people who want to know everyting about you and invite you home for garam khaana (hot food) right after the first meeting… And small enough for people to commute by cycle rickshaw… Five rupees can take you a long way in this city. And… Continue reading From Jalandhar