A setback

After waiting and watching the pain for a few days, I finally went to the ortho last night. One of the discs in the cervical spine that has been operated upon is in stress again; a nerve pinch and therefore the agony. It takes me back seven years… the same medication, the Vitamin E, the… Continue reading A setback

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Malligaipoo memories

As I turned the corner and entered Pondy Bazaar, my senses went into overdrive. The sounds of cars and buses honking me into deafness… the colors of the plastic bangles, garish – some may say, but eye-catching and inexpensive, just right for the wear and throw use of hundreds of college girls who buy them… Continue reading Malligaipoo memories

Back in the real world

So I am back in Bombay – after close to four weeks of being away in a world that was unreal, to say the very least. The doctors released me earlier than expected on account of my exemplary good behavior – and if you believe that, you will believe anything. I thought of the first… Continue reading Back in the real world

Categorized as My World

The silence is too loud

Week 2 here and I am cracking under the stress of doing nothing and being told to rest. And relax. And worse since the body has started demanding that too – the doctors are easier to ignore (alright, radhika, not one yip out of you now). Writing is too demanding, so here are more photographs…… Continue reading The silence is too loud

Categorized as My World

Flight to Cochin

So here I am, day 3 at the aryavaidyasala. My husband just left or Bombay a couple of hours ago. I watched him get into the cab that was to take him to the airport and all I wanted to do was bawl. Waaaah, don’t leave me here. I want to come home with you.… Continue reading Flight to Cochin

kerala kountdown

I am going to be away in Kerala, seeking a cure for my back trouble of seven years. Over the next four weeks, I am expecting an ayurvedic miracle, well, certainly relief, if only in slight measure. Tomorrow morning, aryavaidyasala ho! So wish me luck. Keep emailing. Wave a cheery hi if you see me… Continue reading kerala kountdown

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Thinking back on an anniversary

Warning : Long public rant about painful private memories… October 5th was an anniversary. Not a happy anniversary as such – four years of my spine surgery. I first discovered that I had a spondilytis problem in early 2000. X-rays, diagnosis and pain-killers followed. And physiotherapy could have got me back on my feet. I… Continue reading Thinking back on an anniversary

Categorized as My World

Hitting a high note

My husband and I were listening to My name is Anthony Gonsalves on FM radio the other night. We got to talking about Manmohan Desai movies and then Laxmikant Pyarelal andother music directors. And I realized I had very little to say about LP – or even knew very little. Inheriting the Raj Kapoor legacy… Continue reading Hitting a high note

Heart attack at a young age

I saw a comment from Bubby on my earlier post on mobile manners saying that the person behind the campaign Mahesh V of O & M Bangalore has has passed away of a massive heart-attack. And today, I learnt from creative criminal that Mahesh was only 32. Heart attack at 32. Last night, I mentioned… Continue reading Heart attack at a young age

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