Infosys, is there an explanation?

Am musing on the concept of corporate social responsibility.

I am right now in the midst of a project that involves computer education for underprivileged children (in other words, ICT4D, a ‘cause’ every corporate worth its name is eager to be associated with). As part of the project, am researching various approaches to e-learning, ICT and so on. Have written to various foundations, NGOs, corporates asking for details of their projects and expressing my desire to meet them for a deeper understanding of their approach to ICT4D. And almost all of them have responded with information and a willingness to meet at mutual convenience.

All, except the Infosys Foundation.

One, nobody picks up the phone – ever- at the published number of the Foundation.

Two, received a one-line response to my e-mail ‘any information you want will be found on’ (anonymous, no name e-mail). Yeah, right, I did not think of that, which is why I wrote to you. The Infy website has a section on the Foundation, no doubt. But that is all. Let me assure you, it has not been updated in a long time and contains no details whatsoever on any of their projects.


– A science lab is built in a village school near Miraj.
– The Foundation also gives away quite a huge sum under its scholarship programme for rural students in Karnataka, Orissa, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu.
– Teachers Training Programmes are conducted in the rural areas of Karnataka.
– Fourteen government schools in slum areas are reconstructed in Hyderabad.

I plodded on and replied asking to meet someone. This time, even better, as all our trustees are traveling, it will be impossible for you to meet anyone.

I have no doubts that Infosys Foundation is doing real work…. but then, why this reluctance to share? Think about all the hype surrounding the ‘charity’ work done by Infy Foundation……Where are the details?

Is Mrs. Sudha Murthy listening ? Is there any way I can forward these two emails I received from the foundation (her pet project) and ask for an explanation?

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