On suicide

Shanghai: Study says 1 in 4 youths thinks about taking own life, says this report in the Antropolgi blog. Kids unable to face the increasing social pressures on and expectations from them… for seemingly mundane reasons as poor academic performance (I come across stories of such suicides – due to failure in examinations – on a regular basis in India)

Came across this report just as I am reading Paulo Coelho’s Veronika decides to die… Have never thought suicide is not just about having more troubles than you can handle so you want to run away…. but also having nothing to keep one excited about life itself – so that suicide becomes just a new ‘experience’…. as with Veronika – Twenty-four-year-old Veronika seems to have everything — youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. And she finally becomes aware of the beauty of life as she is closest to death…

In life, why do we value something only when it is not there? when we begin to miss it?


  1. We only like things only when we miss it because i think we r being just human and not trying to be more DIVINE. And we know only few ppl attain divinity . And if everyone becomes divine the human level will change again and once again ppl will think of suicide . As everone is divine and divine becomes the basic level of human living

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