Itchy feet

In the last few weeks, bound to my wheelchair, which also happens to be my computer chair, I have put together some photographs and travel memories. For, Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quiestest chambers. The mind can never break off from the… Continue reading Itchy feet

Bad day…

What a day it has been… we woke up with a call from my in laws’ place. My father in law has had a cerebral haemorrhage and is in hospital in a critical condition. And my husband has taken the first available evening flight out – and then an overnight train journey before he can… Continue reading Bad day…

Categorized as My World

Sex, AIDS and mosquito bites

Students fear AIDS could spreads through kissing, says report in todays’ ToI. While students were generally found to be knowledgeable about HIV/AIDS, the survey found they had misconceptions about transmission. A large number of believed that kissing (40%), hugging (29.7%) and sharing of clothes (25.4%) caused viral transmission. A shocking 45.1% thought that mosquito bites… Continue reading Sex, AIDS and mosquito bites

More foot tales. Groan.

What is it they say about trouble never coming alone? Struggling with my foot infection, all slated for the operation on the left foot, I tripped from the stairs early Monday morning and hairline cracked my right ankle. Good thing was I got a bulk discount at the Xray clinic (buy one get one free… Continue reading More foot tales. Groan.

Categorized as My World

A trip to Jodhpur

I have been at home, down and out with a wound in the foot that has got infected. Have been running – limping actually – between doctors who stare at the foot perplexed, and plot (!) the next move in their heads. I have been putting off this small operation but will have to go… Continue reading A trip to Jodhpur

Categorized as Travels