Professional partying

I had blogged about a job description my husband received sometime in October 2003 –

My husband received a job description today on e-mail, sent by a ‘leading’ placement consultant (what are they called these days, I can’t keep track).

Among the required (not even desired – required) qualifications for a Business Development Manager were : outgoing, sophisticated, party-goer.

Party Goer ? Party Goer ???? Since when is party-going a requisite for a job ? And what exactly is a party goer ?

And now I know – Mr. Mulchandani himself was hiring…

If you do not want to read the whole thing (just in case the first few lines are enough to make you puke), Uma has written about it here

Or you could quickly skim through the text right down to the end where he has priceless ’10 Party commandments for wannabes’ – beginning with – If you have only body and no brains, people will soon lose interest. – either that, or they will write about you in the Indian Journal of Medicine and Pathology as a medical marvel…


  1. Is the recruiter ToI by any chance?….in that case they might ask for party goers for Page 3 coverage.

  2. don’t think so – the position was ‘business development manager’ – the employer probably wanted someone who could wine and dine clients, I guess!

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