Alternate career plans in place after years of soul searching. After reading about Radhe Guru Maa in yesterday’s Mumbai Mirror. I saw the hoardings and ignored them – bright red lipstick and rebonded hair and all – till this article. From the article, for those of you who missed it – Before she arrived, Shiv… Continue reading Charu mata plans
Category: Don’t be funny!
Tickled and trying to tickle…
More on the harem theme…
At Topkapi Palace, helpful signs pointing out the way to the harem… (truth is, I paid for this harem tour, s that is the least they could do – lead me in the right direction) Earlier : the sheikhs shop here…
The sheikhs shop here…
And such a bargain too. I wonder where the men’s harem is. Or is there no such thing? Sigh, life can be so unfair…
Designer god
From today’s Bombay Times… It’s true. Bollywood’s leading stylist Manish Malhotra has been roped in to design the garments worn by the idol of Lord Krishna at the Iskcon Temple in Juhu for today’s Janmashtami celebrations. What’s more, the Kalash Abhishek of Lord Krishna at puja time will be performed by Manish in the presence… Continue reading Designer god
The gods didn’t have it easy either
Not tonight, dear, I have a head-ache… [spotted on a wall in a Bombay chawl] Clearly, being a god doesn’t come with any guarantees either.
Came across these super-funny signboards on Point of reflection – and then went on to the original site – engrish. In just over ten minutes on the site, I have come across – Human Woman, Meet products, Breast Room, Today is under construction – thank you for your understanding. And some lengthy ones that defy… Continue reading Engrish!
Writing for Rediff
Time was when, finding myself otherwise jobless (which is all the time) I used to head to for my daily dose of entertainment. Insipid stories, terribly written out – but the comments following the articles making every moment spent on the site worth it. It just seems to be getting worse… The problem is… Continue reading Writing for Rediff
What kind of string?
I got this extremely interesting text message today from one of Reliance’s numerous marketing services – I quote – It’s Breaking News watch this HINDI film that dares to reveal the secrets of a string operation released on 5th Oct. (bold mine, caps theirs). And I also read about another film to be released soon… Continue reading What kind of string?
Money laundering
…happens in our house every week or so. My maid takes out the freshly machine-washed note from the washing machine and hands it to me with a sympathetic sigh, I give her an exasperated look (rolling my eyes in the general direction of my husband – who may or may not be in the house… Continue reading Money laundering
For a well-groomed baby
Mumbai Mirror carried this brief piece yesterday under ‘Fashion’ – South Mumbai salon opens exclusively for kids (will post link when I find it). Starting with – kids really have it good these days, the article goes on to describe Tears to Cheers, a salon launched in Mumbai to cater to the beauty and grooming… Continue reading For a well-groomed baby