I got this extremely interesting text message today from one of Reliance’s numerous marketing services – I quote – It’s Breaking News watch this HINDI film that dares to reveal the secrets of a string operation released on 5th Oct. (bold mine, caps theirs). And I also read about another film to be released soon – called ‘The breaking news’ or ‘Breaking the news’ – as opposed to ‘It’s Breaking News’ – and so the movie-going public get strung along…
Today’s Heartline in HT Cafe carries this message –
Hi broadminded gal : I saw your reply. I want to know you more – name, city and hope to meet you someday. If you see this, please reply me through this column. Your handsome guy.
Handsome guy meets broadminded gal – surely the love story of the decade. I wonder what her ‘reply’ was. And yes, I know Dilip usually does this sort of thing (find and blog such gems, not write to broadminded gals in Heartline asking for their name) – but I am standing in temp for him while he is busy applying for various interesting courses in Britain.