On Sachin and Silsila

The net is such a wonderful place to find entertainment. Some unintended.

As this report today, on the home page of rediff – which only seems to get better and better with each pasing day – Sachin meets his lookalike

the pic – the effort of reproducing that photograph here is too much for me at this late hour – but go see the pic and judge for yourself. reading from left to right – embarrased and where-can-I-hide-now Sachin Tendulkar, plump and pleased as punch boy, plump and drunk-on-punch-pleased mother

the report – After the brief introduction Sachin asked Aakash what kind of sports he plays? Akaash said he plays soccer, basketball and tennis. Sachin was impressed and said good.

the comments – at last look, there were 131 comments – most of them much more insightful and interesting than anything rediff (or most such portals, including those of news channels) serve anyway as news. Among them, Next, we’ll have a snap of a lady who thinks her daughter looks like Salman Khan! and I am still confused whether the lady looks like sachin or the kid looks like sachin or sachin looks like the kid. Also from somone who hs cracked the resemblence – Yes, Rediff you are right. He is Sachin look alike… He has 2 eyes, 1 nose, lips, 2 ears, black hair and yes, teeth too…

And then this truly funny gem from Baradwaj Rangan’s review of Traffic Signal on the character Silsila played by whashsisname…

…threatens to blossom between Rani and Silsila – yes, that’s the name of the “manager” played by Kunal Khemu, because he was born the year Yash Chopra’s ode to infidelity was released; I guess he’s thanking his stars he wasn’t born in 1988, the year of Paap Ko Jalaa Kar Raakh Kar Doonga.


  1. Hey..Even I was dumbfounded after seeing the picture of the ‘look-alike’. Wonder what sachin might have thought abt the meeting!!

  2. I am absolutely hopeless about Indian media. Only exceptions are The Statesmen and probably The Hindu. Everything is so kitschy. And look at those India shining reports that fill every nook and corner of the newspaper. Guess the journalists now have such a liking for sitting in air-conditioned conference rooms. May be only solution is to force all TV channels to carry DD news for 30min during the prime time slots.

  3. Well, well…isn’t the web a truly small place. 🙂 Hope you and Vamsi have been doing well.

  4. Hey.

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    Nidhi Taparia

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