Village resource centres from ISRO

Catching up on reading and writing…

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has established 291 Village Resource Centres (VRCs) to provide integrated services, including tele-education, tele-medicine, natural resources information and skill development in rural Indiadigitalopportunity

And from ET, Soon, Indians can buy over-the-counter (OTC) drugs from post offices. In order to increase the access of essential drugs to consumers, pharma companies are talking with the Indian Government to use post offices to sell OTC drugs.

And consumer trends for 2008 from trendwatching – status spheres, premiumization, snack culture, online oxygen, brand butlers, crowd mining, MIY – make-it-yourself, eco-iconic… And just in case you wondered about where India was vis-a-vis China in the race, the info page of the trend report says, need to know what will excite consumers in 2008? (Yes, that means India consumers too!)