Ads that say something new

Two recent ads that have turned accepted advertising rules on their head.

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk – this lovely ad brought a smile to my face…

India has lost the cricket match – yet that is no reason to not eat CDM. Clever, and bold communication that says, you don’t really need a reason to eat Dairy Milk



I love the way the ad ends – hey, but where is this Kenya? – after finishing the chocolate…

And ICICI Prudential Life Insurance – starts off with a bang and though ends with the usual apologetic whimper, carries forward the idea of insurance for life and not death very strongly.

The husband asks with a mocking smile, will you be able to live without me? and the wife, taken aback says in a whisper, no – before smiling back to say, I will marry again, I will go on a world tour… Two can play at that game, and I enjoyed that game till it lasted – for she goes on to explain to him how the life insurance policy would take care of the daughter’s education and future, blah blah.



However, what a long way life insurance advertising has come from morose widows seeing off the married daughter before turning to the garlanded portrait of the deceased husband… and also the constant refrain of ‘son to be educated and daughter to be married’…

The last time I remember advertising say something so startling was when Surf Excel said – daag acche hain


  1. Yeah there are many I like with messages.

    The HDFC insurance ad, Jaago re Tata Tea ad, so many more..
    I have also started liking the IDEA ads… where phones give a new meaning to education.. is that possible.. ?? WOW..

    Its good if they keep coming with more..

  2. Another memorable ad for me –

    Bru coffee where the wife extends a cup of coffee and then another miniature cup to indicate that she is pregnant.

    Sheer brilliance in the concept of trying to sell the smaller Bru satchets.

    What say you?

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