Parent child

How do we know as children that our parents will never let us down…? never let go of our hand as we cross the street, as we swing between them in giant steps across the long courtyard on a hot day, as we hang upside down in the curve of their arms, as we walk deep into the sea holding just to the railing of their hands, plunge into the cold waters of the pool with only a gentle touch supporting the neck, fall in one swoosh down the long slide in the playground into their waiting arms, climb hills never once actually falling on to the ground as we trip…

And after all this, how do we manage to let go of them so easily? When did we learn to forget? How? And why?

Parent child

My son!


  1. Charu, I know, as a parent, that I would not have it any other way. I want them to leave, to find their own life. If the kids do that I don’t think they are not letting go, right? They are just holding our hands differently.

    Thinking of our own parents (which is what you’re thinking, right?), I know my father would not have it any other way either. Yes, he wants me to go visit, call him often, but if I went and sat there in his house trying to take care of him, he would be the first one to drive me out.

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