Why blog when…

– you can share on google reader things that are possibly of little interest to anyone else?
– you can update your status on facebook for the world to know your moods and what you had for dinner last night and how bad the traffic this morning is?
– you can be a twit instead?
– you can be a twit and have that fact advertised on facebook simultaneously, having all your tweets appear on facebook too?
– you can provide links to interesting articles wherever possible?

So why blog?


  1. i would agree with radhika – comments on google reader or on twitter are hit & run comments.
    in fact it substitutes going to other people’s blogs and commenting – and becoming more asocial than one already is 🙂

    last week i decided to break out of that – and go and visit old friends and their blog homes 🙂 . that was preceded by me pruning my follow list. i ended up with a 1000+ unread feeds every 36 hours – too much to read 🙂

  2. beacuse there are so many updates on twitter that for people you really want to read (say 2 days after they posted), their updates are washed away in an ocean of tweets, and how much can you really convey in 140 letters ?

  3. ok peoples, I agree – I was merely ranting – I ought to blog too regularly now. and shall. so there.

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