DesiPundit shuts down

Like several others, I received an email from Patrix informing me of his decision to shut down Desipundit. This is Patrix’s post from an earlier time when he had decided to let DP go – fortunately for us, it was revived then but I guess the same logic holds now when he says the decision is final.

There have been obits all over the desi blogosphere and Lekhni here talks about the life-cycle of blogs and about how veteran bloggers are moving on to other things and have slowed down their frequency of posting – As Indian blogs die, what about the blogosphere?.

And now with the ease of posting links and updates on other places like twitter and facebook, blogging indeed seems like a lot of effort. I know – I have slowed (almost stopped) blogging here. Things I used to blog about earlier, I merely pass off as a link elsewhere. Anyway.

Thank you, DesiPundit, and Patrix and team – it’s been a good five years!