India Literacy Project

Anya blogs about the India Literacy Project. Their website is lucid and informative – unlike that of more ‘popular’ ones within India like the Infosys Foundation for instance… They appear to have thought through the various and complex issues involved in the ‘100% literacy’ objective – and consequently have funding for projects which tackle this at different levels – including bridge schools and adult education programs.

Particularly heartening was one of their focus areas – low cost formal schools and innovative schools – in tribal areas and slums – this is one of the beliefs that the Azim Premji Foundation works with – that education to the underpriveleged does not necessarily mean informal schooling – people in rural / tribal/ slum areas have as much faith in and need for formal education systems as the rest of us….

It is encouraging to come aross such organisations – especially those based out of India – who are doing their bit for the literacy movement – I had got in touch with Asha a while ago when I was working on a project on computer literacy for underpriveleged kids in India – and I was swamped with responses and suggestions in a matter of days.

And all of them have on their websites ways in which we can help…