Ideal wives – a follow up

It was just a minor detail I could not understand that kept me awake all night (fortunately, there is no specified time for thinking – maybe because the master did not associate ‘thinking’ with women – notice, a sharp mind is not one of the womanly ornaments) – this whole sex business between midnight and 3 a.m. and then the bhajans. Harini says, If nothing else, it redifines the meaning of post coital bliss

This morning, along with the sun, it dawned on me.

Go back to this gem from the book Grahasth Mein Vyavaharik Jeevan (Practical Married Life) – too much sex is the cause of diabetes and tuberculosis among men.

Ah, ok! First you have sex between the stipulated time, at the end of which you close your eyes and sing bhajans – sending up a fervent prayer that you have not contrated TB or diabetes in the course of the earlier three hours.

Makes sense.


  1. Lol this is indeed an interesting post. Have been following it for sometime.
    I think if you sing bhajans after sex, better sing softly or else everytime you sing one, your neighbours are likely to say “they are at it again!”
    It will also provide an easy enabling technique in qual research on ‘sensitive issues’. All you have to do is ask “how many times a week do you sing bhajans?” Lol!

  2. Apu, you crack me up. fell off my chair laughing and hurt my head. can imagine you actually saying this (the hands and the eyes :))

  3. Charu
    Did this book have anything on sex during bhajans ? Well from 12 to 3 you have sex followed by bhajans and more sex or sex followed by more bhajans and then the prasad following the bhajans. That explains the diabities. The TB coule be from all those 6 hours of sexual exhertion !!! My 2 cents.

  4. er Sourin, I have not actually *read* the book – my own advice would be to stop thinking so much and just do it 🙂

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