Normal is…?

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for – in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it” – Ellen Goodman, American journalist (1941 – )

Talk of perspective.


  1. yeah, accurate and hard-hitting πŸ™

    (Patrix, there is no hiding anything fom you, you clever man πŸ™‚ Actually, ask what I dont subscribe to. I need an additionl 24 hours a day to read fully all that I want to read on the net in a day)

  2. Well, good for us jobless, carless (though not clothless) people who sit at home all day. But this will catch up with us in a few years, when we finish our ‘education’. So much for non-conformism. πŸ™

  3. shoefiend, I just saw your own post on ‘what is this life if full of care’ and so on πŸ™‚ (but yes, i feel better too each time I know someone else feels the same way as I do)

    Aditya, yes, that is called ‘welcome to the real world’. enjoy while this carless and careless phase lasts πŸ™‚

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