Stories of aunts and mastodons

My mother in law has three sisters and they were all down here in Kakinada last week. And the house was resounding with the noise of aunt calling out to aunt like mastodons across the primeval swamp. I have many aunts myself, my mother’s and my father’s sisters. But never before have I had a need to sympathise with Bertie Wooster who quakes in his shoes at the thought of his aunt who eats broken bottles and conducts sacrifices at the time of the full moon. Or with Lord Emsworth and his gaggle of redoubtable sisters who run his life, and his infamous younger son, numerous nephews and nieces who are forever at the receiving end of their sharp tongues and scorching glances…

(dictionary: mastodon = extinct large elephant-like mammal)

I also met Kamala and Vimala, my mother-in-law’s aunts (no, not the mastodons, they are my husband’s). Twins, more than 70, they are both single (they never married, thanks to family problems at that time) and are deeply attached to each other. They live in the same small town they were born in, although it really is no more than a large village.

Determined not to be a burden on anyone, the sisters learnt sewing at a young age, got themselves Usha sewing machines many many years ago and have been making a living giving sewing classes to young girls (no young boys there, I am sure)… Fiercely independent women, their life story is at the same time a story of courage and despair…

They have told everyone in the family, if one of us dies, the other will consume poison and die immeditely… They know of no other life…


  1. Hi Charu – nice story – Jeeves and Wooster eh, that brings back some memories! Anyway – just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Hope you and your family have a great time in 2006!

  2. Smile at the Past with Pride and Grace
    Live each today with Joy and Verve
    Look at every tommorrow with Hope And Faith
    This year may all your efforts be rewarded
    and all your dreams come true
    Wishing you a Happy New Year

  3. Kakinada? Is it there in East Godavari district,AndhraPradesh? Then it is my home town!!!
    Btw Charu,
    Wishing you a very happy and fantastic new year,2006!!!

    With best wishes

  4. Wow…I’ve just read your previous posts…You are in kakinada now..Dat’s great…
    Charu..Kakinada is my hometown…I studied from class 2nd to BTech(ece) in Kakinada..Did my BTech in JNTU Kakinada..My parents are still in Kakinada…Me,now in Hyderabad…I feel so excited that you’re in my home town..
    Okk..Where are you staying in kakinada? We stay in Gandhinagar..!!

  5. Ashwini, old people in the family are great to have, aren’t they? and the stories they can remember and tell…

    Jag, eeps, this post was just a rant against some relatives – but am glad it brought back memories of your Wodehouse reading days…
    Jag and Jaggy, and a happy new year to you and yours too

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