Mastercard on my mind

I remember some offensive ads that Economic Times ran a while ago on the whole “are you talking to the right target audience” question (as someone working in a field related to marketing, I confess I sometimes find the word ‘target’ in this context quite ominous…) – While I found the ads distasteful, I had shrugged it of as “what else can I expect from a ToI publication”, The Other India and MumbaiGirl had expressed strong views on this (which I agreed with totally)…

Here is something simple and striking from Sharad Haksar on how utterly clueless the marketing game can sometimes be… [link through the always interesting and though-provoking Niti Bhan’s Perspective]


Speaking of Sharad Haksar, do you remember his controversial photograph “featuring” Coke…?

1 comment

  1. and nobody who saw haskar’s presentation for blogcamp will forget it in a hurry. truly a great and flamboyant photograher.

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